Friday, July 15, 2011

Air France Business/First Class for short flights mini rant

I am on an Air France flight from Paris to Amsterdam and have a seat in business class- there is no first class on this flight. But the fun fact about business class with Air France is how business class is created. Technically there is only two across seating in business class BUT to create two across seating you do not get a bigger seat, just no one in the middle seat. They lower the back of the middle seat down- think arm rest in the backseat of most cars. Soooo, I do NOT have a bigger seat, just no one next to me. The final craptastic noteworthy item is that the arm rests are fixed and cannot be raised.
On the plus side there is a couple more inches of legroom, so now my knees are just grazing the seat in front of me instead of my doing the usual straddling the seat in front of me when riding steerage.

One more thing: yes Delta you have spoiled me- no water, pillows, or blankets available when you get to your seat. No pre-flight cocktail- and the French call themselves civilized (please note the sarcasm meter just went off the chart). This Will make having a short nap that much more difficult.

Addendum- Air France does make up by serving lunch. A herring and summer squash on a baguette- petite size; tomato and cheese salad, small roll, black olives with goat cheese, and for desert a cranberry cake. Delta does not serve food on flights twice as long as this one.

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